Bastava che ci capissimo Io e i miei

July 12, 2007
Marco Turriziani
Producer: Luigi Piergiovanni
Number of discs: 1

Nemo propheta in patria? . The singer-songwriter Marco Turriziani prefers to believe rather in the said Rome open city, and rely on the maternal womb of his hometown to give publicity to his cd
debut. And here comes a series of live dates with his music, in different points of the capital, in clubs and clubs that can receive a very intimate disc with the necessary heat personal, titled “Bastava che ci capissimo io e i miei” (Interbeat production, Storie di Note distribution, in stores since December 2005). After a long apprenticeship as a musician in many bands, including Latte e i sui derivati by the now famous Lillo and Greg, Marco Turriziani presents himself to the public in first person, with a pleasant and linear work, from the acoustic and choral sound flavor. To accompany him in his work the “Orchestrani”, seven musicians of different backgrounds who have given the sound of the record a bandistic character e theatrical, without renouncing to approach, in some moments, the best “pop” atmospheres of the Italian tradition. The 14 songs that make up the CD are like little pieces of a mosaic; each it helps to make the intertwined story inside the story intelligible. It could be called a unique story of memory in which, with a delicate touch, one passes through the time of joy, of the loves, of disenchantment. But all veiled by that subtle irony that serves to defuse, how much most possible, life events. Already from the title transpires the regret of not being able to to communicate; a communication made possible, instead, by music. And then the ballads “Come a mamma’”, “Il figlio che…”, “Nel nome del padre” are the desire to talk to someone at the which you didn’t have time to say everything. Songs like “Rosa da amar”, or the eccentric “Forse è una strega”, show us instead a female figure that remains etched in memory, where from one part melancholy stands out and playfulness on the other. Opportunities are not lacking, so to speak, “light”, in which communication becomes “declaration”, an opening to the feeling that it has always had accompanied the music in his songs, and that is love. “Benedetto amore”, ”Siamo chi si ama”: already the titles betray this intention. Instead, abandonment and solitude are found in the songs “E’ già Natale”, “Come un gatto che s’è perso” e “Tai chi”, even if painful themes are faced here in a disguised way, pushed towards the paradox, to want to almost give it a sense of ridicule. There is the most intimate moment, the most personal and almost whispered, “L’ora delle luci magiche” e “Il mio cane ed io” in which memories and questions are approached, questions that arise from curiosity and from amazement to those things, animated and inanimate, that surround us. “Let’s watch” is instead the song of indignation towards injustice and wickedness of men, a cry of complaint from the scenic tone, which mentions the music that accompanied the Brechtian representations in the “Opera da tre soldi”. Finally, there is a moment for reflection; it’s the song instrumental “E’ domenica” in which there are no words other than those imagined and evoked from the melody that is repeated, to circulate, like a journey precisely in days, in love …

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